Title: Exaggeration Station
Recommended by: Karen Chace
Origin: Original exercise created by Karen Chace
Recommended age: From 8 years to 108 years
- To encourage students to play with the character voices and gestures in their story.
- To help students make new connections with their story characters.
Students complete a worksheet before starting the game (worksheet available on link below). The sheet is connected to nine posters that should be previously placed around the room at eye level. (Posters available on link below) This gives the students a chance to think through their choices, rather than being put on the spot.
Children could easily move through the game if the poster boards are placed on book stands that are organized up and down the aisle.
The worksheet and Exaggeration Station posters are available at the link below.
Exaggeration Station:
You will find more original interactive and written exercises in Karen’s award winning book, Story by Story: Creating a Student Storytelling Troupe, available www.amazon.com and http://www.parkhurstbrothers.com.