Laura Escuela


   Telephone number

(0034) 659105762

   Tells in

Spanish and English

   Lives in

Tenerife (Canary Islands)

   Factsheet in other languages





I was born and live on the island of Tenerife, in the Canary Isles, a land of volcanoes, ravines, the Atlantic and heights. I grew up in the city, close to the sea. My first book of poetry was by Antonio Machado, and my first book of stories, by the Brothers Grimm.

I trained as a specialist teacher in Children's Education and Educational Psychologist, but while at University I was captured by stories, and they did not let me go. 

Since then I have specialised in Children's Literature and I dedicate my professional activities to stage storytelling and the mediation and promotion of reading, although my experience in recent years has also revolved around the world of music, art, and people with different abilities.

After many years delving into storybooks and some years giving sessions to children from 0 to 3 years of age, I have recently been working on Bebecuentos (Storytelling for Babies), sessions with picture books and sessions in English, normally accompanied by musical instruments.

For adults I tell traditional and written stories which, when I read or listened to them, felt like mine. 

I am president of the Canaries Association of the Oral Tradition TAGORAL, through which we try to promote storytelling festivals and stable storytelling projects on the islands.




   Youtube channel


   Number of visits