Cristina Temprano


   Telephone number

(0034) 627381234

   Tells in

Spanish and French

   Factsheet in other languages





I became a fan of stories because I wanted to get to know the whole world and travel to all times: past, present, future, parallel, tangential, perpendicular, unreal, imaginary, impossible...I began to tell them because they wrapped around my voice, a little by accident and a little on purpose. I allowed myself to become trapped in words, and almost without realising I began to tread the path inhabited by words and silences. Now my footsteps are filled with stories.

I told stories for the first time in 2002, and since then I have told stories in a wide variety of places, from the square in a tiny village with four spectators, to a theatre full to bursting, in 600 venues, through schools, cafés, libraries, cultural centres...mainly in Spain, but for a while now also in France. I have also been to Belgium and Ukraine. 

I love the naked word and I almost always tell stories without props of any kind, but as a music fan I am sometimes driven to include instruments in some shows. I am involved in the business of getting to know in depth this ancient complex profession of telling stories, through research work which makes me love it more every day, and through the art of the shared word.


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