Paula Carbonell


   Telephone number

(0034) 653864001

   Tells in

Castilian Spanish

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Paula Carbonell tells stories; she listens to them, writes them, reads them, analyses them, changes them, reinvents them, and tells them: how they are told, how they are remembered, how they are invented, how they are requested, how they are said.

Paula has always told stories since at four years old she would sit down with her Playmobil figures so they could listen. She also started cooking at an early age; the art of chopping up flowers was her speciality. 

She tells stories because they were told to her and she was read to. Then came reading and then writing, but it was silent and not sufficient (writing as the memory of the spoken word). The need to share came to her. 

She began to tell stories. And that is what she does. Life and Literature shared. She shares, listens, tells, reads, writes, and in her free time she cooks for friends.

She has been doing this since 1997: she has led workshops, conferences, taken part in diverse national and international professional seminars, she has told stories in libraries, theatres, hospitals, cafés, bars, in the street...

She started telling stories shamelessly, then without shame, with intention: in her stories like in her life the absurd as the only certainty.

Paula Carbonell has a Master's in the Promotion of Children's Reading and Literature; a Master's in  Gender Equality: Equality Agent´s training a Degree in Humanities from the UCLM, and studied the first cycle of Romanesque Language at the University of Valencia. In addition she has taken numerous complementary training courses within the sphere of Children's and Young People's Literature, Narration, Theater and Puppetry.




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