Ana Apika |
Telephone number (0034) 647209592 |
Tells in Basque and Castilian Spanish |
Lives in Larrabetzu (Bizkaia – Spain) |
Factsheet in other languages |
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Blog |
About Agenda: Another phone number: 944463450 I was born into the world of storytelling in 1997 after a serious traffic accident which took me a long time to get over. People say that I was born again that day and though I didn’t feel that was so, maybe it’s true. Lots of different stories and tales make up my repertoire although I tend to repeat the ones which give and have given me the most. The stories are timeless and get into your bones as much as or even more than the drizzle in my village, which is really saying something. I love kids and I tell stories to creatures from 3 to 16. “Little creatures” yes, open to the world, real, truth seekers and truth is what I try to convey with my tales: truth of feeling, truth in the delivery, to make the telling a true experience and as so make people interested and convey an emotion, a feeling or an experience. APIKA is the name of our group. APIKA is also the name of the small space where we meet, call it an office, rehearsal room, research room, study room or a creation room. At APIKA Leire Basarrate and I get by in this world of storytelling and up till now it hasn’t gone at all badly. We work with the absolute conviction that through stories, humour and theatre, the objectives and values contemplated in the Education Laws can be addressed in a cross disciplinary way. We are very conscious that working with kids we have to analyze carefully both what we want to convey and what we convey unintentionally, to be able to be aware of what we do, given that we are working with individuals in training and without a doubt, we are educating them. To finish off (or to start), here is an extract from a little story: “Knock knock. Can I come in? I am a guest and my number is the last. And Lur’s room suddenly filled bright red, bright blue, bright green and a bright sad colour”. |
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Number of visits 3451 |