María Fraile |
Telephone number (0034) 636791999 |
Tells in Castilian Spanish |
Lives in Barrado (Caceres) |
Geographic working area National |
Factsheet in other languages |
Website |
About I was born in Zamora on the day of one of its most important religious festivals. I suppose that being born on such a holiday gave me no choice but to be linked to the region’s folklore and traditions for life. I spent my entire childhood and youth as a member of the Asociación Etnográfica Bajo Duero (Lower Duero Ethnographic Association), which was dedicated to the search for and dissemination of the traditions, music, dances and songs of Zamora, and I remember that between rehearsals I would raid their small library to read folk tales. It was on my 18th birthday that I saw my first live professional storyteller. Until then I didn't know that there were people who told stories as a profession and I was so fascinated by that magical act that I decided that one day I would be the one out there telling them. Thus a dream began. From that moment on I began to slowly simmer in the various techniques of corporal and oral expression until finally the day came to face an audience. That was back in 2012, under the guidance of Roberto García Encinas, in Salamanca. Little by little I began to tell stories in libraries, cultural centres and theatres, until I became a regular at La Hora del Cuento (Storytelling Hour) in Salamanca. I have been lucky enough to be able to tell stories throughout Spain, and in Guatemala and Argentina. I have worked on projects such as "Un libro, un amigo” (A book, a friend) by the Badajoz Provincial Council and the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation. I have taken part in storytelling festivals such as La Casa de las Conchas (Salamanca), Festival de Cuentos Eróticos de Zamora (Zamora Festival of Erotic Stories), "Una Olla de Cuentos" (A pot of stories)(Garganta La Olla, Cáceres), "Una Mina de Cuentos” (A mine of stories) (Huelva), Narrar Enamora "Encuentro de Oralidad” (Storytelling Enamours “oral encounter”) (Zamora), ¡Cucha! (Los Santos de Maimona, Badajoz), Muestra de ContesColtes (Simat, Valencia) and storytelling marathons such as those in Guadalajara, Ahigal and Trabenco. While continuing to tell stories I have continued my training with amazing storytellers such as Victoria Siedlecki, Eugenia Manzanera, Sandra Araguás and Pep Bruno. That is how I fulfilled my dream of becoming a storyteller. |
Youtube channel |
Youtube |
Number of visits 182 |