Sandra Araguás |
Telephone number (0034) 626158492 |
Tells in Spanish and French |
Lives in Huesca |
Geographic working area National |
Factsheet in other languages French |
Blog |
About Stories crossed my path in 2000, when I began my first job gathering work in the oral tradition in the Sierra de Guara (Huesca). The people and their stories would mark my path, although I was unaware at the time that I would end up making a living from storytelling. Since then it has been my life: gathering work in the oral tradition, with more than 350 people who have made a gift of their memories and their particular way of storytelling. Along the way Elías Mairal, in his wisdom, told me that there was no point in gathering stories if they were not going to be told. Some of these oral stories that have taken shape on paper in order to reach more hands, more eyes and more mouths. Words encircle my work, whether spoken or written. Mostly traditional tales heard in the kitchen of any village in Aragón or told during a storytelling session.
Oral expression is my very essence, and the word is my vehicle. I tell stories in libraries, primary schools, high schools, reading promotion campaigns, oral workshops, book fairs, cultural weeks, festivals and various other events, disseminating the Aragonese oral tradition. I have told stories at the Pirineos Sur Festival (South Pyrenees Festival), Huesca es un cuento (Huesca is a tale), Programa Provincia Inquieta (Restless Province Programme) Cáceres, Hellín te cuenta (Hellín will tell a tale), Fraga te cuenta (Fraga will tell a tale), Atlántica, La sierra encuentada, Una olla de cuentos (A pot of stories)... but above all in villages, in their streets, close to the people who look you in the eye while they listen. |
Youtube channel |
Youtube |
Number of visits 376 |