Julián Moreno "Julianini"



   Telephone number

(0034) 608248441

   Tells in

Castilian Spanish

   Lives in

Castro Urdiales (Cantabria)

   Geographic working area


   Factsheet in other languages





In the year 2000, storytelling burst into my life. Just like that, from nowhere, and out of obligation. At that time I had just started working in the first children's bookshop in Alicante, and in that job I had to lead a storytelling session every Saturday.

I went in blind, learning through trial and error. But it was the beginning of an idyll that has lasted to this day. I gradually discovered that storytelling was "serious business"; that it required dedication and knowledge.

I learned to discover my voice, my peculiar way of telling a story... in which humour, smiles and even laughter form an important part.

I like to tell those stories that, when I find them, seem to say "hey, hi, nice to meet you".

In addition to storytelling and stories, children's magic and puppetry occupied my time and my passion.

Then came my own stories (collected over seven books), and I eventually came to the conclusion that, for me, storytelling is a necessity.

At present I combine face-to-face storytelling sessions with a family podcast called CUENTOS DEL DERECHO Y DEL REVÉS (TALES OF RGHT AND REVERSE), which can be heard on all podcast platforms.

In the podcast you can hear tales from the oral tradition from all over the world, while inviting creativity (in the Rodarian sense) through a personal version of the proposed tale. We are soon to begin the third season.





   Youtube channel


   Number of visits