Paula Mandarina


   Telephone number

(0034) 635425210

   Tells in

Castilian Spanish

   Lives in


   Geographic working area


   Factsheet in other languages



My name is Paula Palomo Carmona. I am from Málaga but I now live in Almería, and I took up my work as a storyteller following a series of coincidences through which fate pushed me to continue storytelling during a moment of abandonment.

I studied Dramatic Arts at the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático (Higher School for Dramatic Arts) in Málaga, but my vocation was teaching and it was through Social Education that I found the way to combine my two passions of acting and teaching. I have taught acting and storytelling to children, teenagers and adults and I have learned more from all of them than I have ever taught.

It was during my time in Barcelona that I came into contact with children's literature and became fully immersed in it, and from then on I turned the art of storytelling into a way of life, a passion.

Nowadays I make a living from telling stories, taking them from one place to another with the aim of safeguarding stories and tales as part of our oral tradition, giving a voice to the persona of Paula Mandarina, who invites anyone who wants to listen to come and hear her.




   Youtube channel

   Number of visits