David Acera |
Telephone number (0034) 636862131 |
Tells in Castilian Spanish |
Lives in Oviedo |
Factsheet in other languages |
Website http://www.davidacera.com |
About David has worked in theatre, cinema and television, but his passion is storytelling, to which he has been dedicated professionally since the dawn of the century. Travelling on the back of stories, he weaves his way through cultural centres, libraries and schools in Spain, Latin America and other parts of the world we share. He has vast experience in the use of Oral Storytelling and theatrical techniques as educational tools. This has allowed him to work on areas such as environmental care, the need to grow up in equality and the prevention of violence, to give just a few examples. He is qualified as a University Expert in Reading Promotion from the National University of Distance Education (UNED). He reads a lot, writes and publishes, from time to time, short stories and works for theatre. On pleasant evenings he likes to sit with a book under the trees in his local park. And he never, ever forgets to smell its pages because, as is well known, if it is a new book, its aroma will tell us what kind of paper has been used to make it, the colours it conceals within... and if it is an old book, its aroma will transport us to the places where it has been kept, almost as if it is telling us fragments of the stories, the songs and the poetry it contains. |
Publications http://www.davidacera.com/publicaciones |
Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOPP6EWNcoIqMyN6EspHvEA |
Number of visits 465 |