Alejandra Venturini


   Telephone number

(0034) 635 61 67 43

   Tells in


   Lives in


   Geographic working area

National and international

   Factsheet in other languages



Actor, storyteller, playwright, creator of children's stories; born in Buenos Aires in 1981, she has lived in Madrid for 19 years. She possesses extensive artistic training, having graduated from the Madrid Royal School of Dramatic Art (Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Madrid, RESAD).

She has studied at the theatre school of Antonio Malonda and Yolanda Monreal (Bululú2120) and has taken courses in playwriting and storytelling with Suzanne Lebeau, Stella Kassimati and Alejandro Tantanian.

She began working professionally as a storyteller in 2012, beginning with the creation of her “Barquito de colores” (Little boat of colours) project.

Since then, she has taken part in numerous festivals and cultural events: “Un Madrid de cuento” (A fairytale Madrid); “ “Contando cuentos” Festival (Storytelling Festival) (La casa de las Conchas.);“La noche de los libros” (Night of the books); “ContesColtes (Valencia); “Feria del Libro de Madrid”(Madrid Book Fair); “Feria del Libro infantil y juvenil” (Children’s and Youth’s Book Fair), Fuenlabrada. Her projects have featured in reading promotion programmes in Zaragoza, Teruel, Huesca, Castilla - La Mancha, Gijón, Salamanca, Simat de la Valldigna, Benifairó, Benidorm, Alzira and Alcoy, among other municipalities.

She has been a contributor to the “Los peques en la Biblioteca” (Kids in the Library) project, which coordinates the Community of Madrid Book Area, for 5 years.

She has taken part in the "Tales with History” project, developed by the National Archaeological Museum (MAN).

“Barquito de colores”

It is an educational project aimed at encouraging children to read. It is a multidisciplinary collective made up of actors, musicians and visual artists. Shows form part of the cultural programme put together by libraries, children's schools, theatres and cultural centres.

Barquito de Colores has worked with various musicians’ associations: Aula Cantemus, Múzic Ensemble, Acción Social por la Música, through children’s shows with storytelling and live music. One of the most noteworthy projects formed part of the Royal Theatre’s social programme.






   Number of visits