Diego Magdaleno



   Telephone number

(0034) 600748052

   Tells in

Castilian Spanish

   Lives in

Alcalá de Guadaira (Sevilla)

   Geographic working area


   Factsheet in other languages





I have been a travelling storyteller for over eighteen years. I mean a professional storyteller, because telling, telling stories...I have been telling them since I was little. Some to get out of a scrape, others to entertain the family, and others, the best ones, to better understand me. 

I have told stories in places such as the book fairs in Guadalajara (Mexico), Madrid, Cordoba, Seville, Almeria, Huelva... 

In storytelling festivals and cycles in places such as Los Silos, Madrid, Segovia, Cadiz, the Basque Country, Chelva, Beja, Lagos, Faro, Evora...in addition to dozens and dozens of Public Libraries. 

I have worked for organisations such as the Cervantes Institute, the Three Cultures Foundation, and the Provincial Councils of Cadiz, Seville, Huelva and Cordoba.  The Andalusian Centre for Arts and the shoe shop in my neighbourhood. 

But what a really like the most is to tour little villages, telling and listening to stories. In that way, telling stories in squares, schools, churches, caves, towers, mosques, buses...I continue to extend my journey as a storyteller.

From touring little villages the "La Sierra Encuentada" Storytelling Festival and the "Un Andévalo de Cuentos" Storytelling Cycle came about.

If you are a traveller and you like to listen, we shall see each other on the way!



   Youtube channel



   Number of visits